LLC “PGP” is competent to design potash mine and processing plant including:

  • Mine shafts (including the loading system)
  • Pit bottom and operation building workings
  • Surface  mining  complex,  including mine  yard,  pit-head      frame,   hoisting machines, Main Fan Unit, etc.
  • Mine field development technology, optimal technological schemes, select of mining and mechanical equipment
  • Surface and processing facilities of plants



Mine shaft design (including the loading complex)

  • Intergrated design of shaft sinking technology in various mining and geological conditions, including with the use of special methods
  • Choice of a model and applied equipment of loading complex
  • Estimates given by conveyor transport and other process equipment
  • Stability calculations, choice of ways for protecting and supporting the underground bunker and other workings within the loading complex
  • Optimal layout and arrangement of workings and loading complex equipment


Design of pit bottom and operation room workings

Development of spatial locations schemes of pit bottom and operation  room workings, which are expected to ensure the effective functioning of all technological processes for the required period of operation.



Design of the surface mining complex, including mine yards, pit- head frames, buildings of hoisting machines, Main Fan Unit, etc.

Design of on-site buildings, facilities (auxiliary and stationary) within the mine yard used for the construction during the shaft sinking.

Development of equipment installation schemes for equipping the mine shafts as well as design solutions for constructing the fallowing facilities:

  • main fan unit to carry out ventilation by heating building;
  • building of stationary hoist with add-on cage and skip shafts;
  • upgrading sheave wheels platform;
  • stationary mine shaft yards;
  • shaft infrastructure in shafts (pipelines, power cables, communication and automation, etc.).



Design of mine field development technology, optimal technological schemes, selection of mining and mechanical equipment

The choice of development systems and mining equipment is based on the following basic requirements:

  • the maximum possible mineral output from the earth's soil;
  • minimum volumes of mining and preparatory works;
  • volumes of mining and preparatory works;
  • high level of mechanization and automation of production processes;
  • application of the most high-production equipment;
  • safe mining conditions;
  • minimal impact on the surface objects during their operation

+375 (17) 388 06 39